The BSSC (Basics of Stores and Stock Control)
The BSSC (Basics of Stores and Stock Control) short course is geared for warehouse and stores personnel who need further guidance in managing their stores. The course is focused on basic principles, laying the foundation for good housekeeping, accurate inventory management, a safe work place, and giving more information about selecting storage methods and materials handling equipment (MHE). The warehouse or store is a big service provider to internal and external customer, and plays a critical role in maintaining customer service, be it to the inhouse manufacturing department or the retailer or the final consumer.
Overview of modules:
Module 1: Warehousing and Supply Chain Management
Module 2: Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships
Module 3: Risk and Safety Management
Module 4: Warehouse Safety and PPE
Module 5: Inbound Logistics
Module 6: Classifying and Coding of Stock
Module 7: Warehouse Layout and Productivity
Module 8: Materials Handling and Storage Equipment
Module 9: Stocktaking and Stock Audits
Module 10: Warehouse Issues
Module 11: Warehouse Returns, Customer Service and Reverse Logistics
Module 12: Transportation and Distribution Management
Module 13: Emergency Situations and Precautions
Final Examination
Duration Class Based
14 x 3 hour sessions plus a 3 hour exam