083 642 0585 admin@kpi3.co.za



Our consulting approach begins with spending time in your operation, and reviewing any documentation such as SOPs, Business Requirements Specifications, User Requirement Specifications, Systems Requirements Specifications and the like, and interviewing key resources. From here we look for gaps and improvement opportunities, and compare operational statistics against industry Key Performance Indicators. Where applicable we will conduct time and motion studies to baseline your achievement. We look at warehouse processes (hyperlink to Training/Warehouse Systems Training) and we examine Waste (Muda = Waste, Muri = Overburden of resources, Mura = Unevenness of Volume) in detail to find the cost saving opportunities by optimising resources.

We present our findings first to the operational staff to verify our understanding, and then back to management so that improvement projects can be launched. A typical consulting project consists of 5-10 days of reviews and observations and interviews, followed by +- 5 days of analysis, +-3 days of reporting back, 2 days of further refinement, before final presentation back to management for feedback and launch of interventions. Selected interventions can then be implemented by KPI Cubed, or we can provide training and facilitation to implement these in-house, and project manage (hyperlink to Project Management) the implementations.

Consulting Project Overview

Project Kick Off: Obtain background info, industry KPIs, benchmarks, articles, blogs, publications, research references, establish deliverables, objectives, high level milestones & costings

Briefing: Get introduced to operational and back office staff. Conduct fitst level review.

Operational Observation: Spend time in OPS, read and verify SOPs and processes, observe operational staff in situ, work alongside staff.

Identify Stakeholders: Verify who is who, what roles there, what the current RACI looks like, who really does what, who is really impacted by what.

Data Collection: Conduct Time & Motion where needed, copies of documents and data from systems

Data Analysis: Anlayse data, conduct comparison agains internal info, check against bench marks, establish compliance, look for best practice deviations.

Gap Analysis: Start identify how long and wide the bridge should be. Find low hanging fruit, and big impact or big cost items. Review with operational staff.

Next Steps and Risk & Issues: Establish the path and best way forward. Cost any initiatives. Put teams and resources together. Train up,

Final Reports: Work with management on managing and reviewing tasks over time.

Close: Conduct 30-60-90 day post project reviews and conduct post -mortem. Do follow ups at 6 and 12 months.